Thursday, May 20, 2010

Little Angels.

Why do I refer to my students as little angels? The answer is easy, special needs kids have lots of good qualities that make you want to know more about them. They are respectful, loving, thoughtful, and very intelligent oh! and sneaky too. Yes, most of the times they live in their own little world but that does make them bad people and yet they're suffering from social ignorance and lack of trained experts.

Is very sad to know that well educated people think these kids are stupid and feel repulsive when they get near them. I see this almost every day at work. Regular teachers don't want their students to get mix up with the special needs students; they talk and make stupid faces. They think our students are bad influence. I think kids are kids and they do listen, if you know how to talk to them no matter with a disability or not.

Our students are always getting excluded from some school activities, while the rest of the school participates on every activity. Our special needs team has to be on top of everything, in order to have our students participating on some school activities. It’s obvious that we are surrounded by ignorant people. They don’t know what they're missing in life by not getting to know these kids; they are pure as an angel and more... Thank God the principal at our school is very understanding and we can always talk to her about issues with other colleagues.

Fight Ignorance Against People with Disabilities.

Ignorance Against Disabilities.

Pusat Ehsan is a non-government and non-profit organization committed to provide quality education and rehabilitation services for physically and intellectually challenged individuals.


  1. I highly agree, children look up to adults for guidance and they are indeed very smart, regardless if they have a disability or not. Children can be very aware of their surroundings and like to mimic and imitate the physical actions and verbal expressions of adults.

    If someone comes into a classroom of special needs kids and initially has a negative attitude or thought about them, then they may never treat them with respect and offer them the time to understand and know them. They should look past their disability(ies) and find the genuineness and love their precious souls have.

    Children are clearly not at any fault because their disability makes them look, function and communicate in differently. It is indeed a miracle that many children who struggle to survive through their first few days, or even months or years, through a birth defect will eventually find themselves thriving to live a happy and sometimes normal life. Let us for a moment put aside a person who is a special needs teacher and fits the universal description and qualifications. Regardless if one is or is not a special needs teacher, we are all special in God’s eyes and were created and placed on this world created by Him for us to serve Him through His words. Each of us has a duty to serve and follow His words and respect all that is created by Him, especially showing respect and love to other human beings.

    Besides we only have a limited time on Earth and our physical selves are only “shells” to house something much more meaningful and precious….our everlasting spirit. I strongly affirm the belief that our spirit within us defines who we are and our bodies are merely an extension and physical interpretation for us as mortals to interact and communicate with. We should interact and communicate with people with a “blind eye,” in other worlds, not judge and call attention to a person’s mental and/or physical disabilities, “flaws,” speech impediments or accents, physical appearance and the like.

    I am of the mindset that if one calls names or humiliates or makes inappropriate comments or “fun of” another person’s physical/non-physical “imperfections” that the offender will eventually be punished in some way for his/her offenses. You may call it “karma” or anything else you’d like, but I see it as proof that God was pay attention to one’s abhorrent behavior towards another person and no one has the right to treat a negativity child that has special needs.

    Thank you Nelly for opening up my mind and heart.

  2. Did you make this picture, too! Another lovely and cute picture!
